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Fisherman Dock – River City Creative

Fisherman’s Dock

The Ask

The Fisherman’s Dock in Jacksonville FL started as a small local seafood retail and wholesale market in 1985. They’ve expanded to 4 stores in the Jacksonville FL area and became a leading wholesaler of seafood to restaurants however they had no true identity or presence online. Their goal was to rebrand their business and establish an online presence.

The Solution

This project was so much fun! Understanding that for many people cooking seafood at home is typically just a few dishes like Salmon or Shrimp we had a goal to make seafood approachable and help home chefs try new dishes and recipes. We were able to create a fresh, modern & approachable brand that helped people to connect with new seafood. We also began a social media strategy that has increased their Facebook store presence by thousands of new likes.

Social Media Strategy
Branding & Management

Working with the River City Create team has been the most pleasant experience!  Their dedication and passion for what they do is exemplified by their unparalleled customer support and attention to the specific needs of our business. We look forward to a long lasting and prosperous relationship with the crew at River City.